I used to blog on yahoo 360, but since most of my friends have a blog on this site, thought would make sense to move in here. Yeah it is difficult to move out of one's comfort zone and take up new things; there is always some kind of doubt in one's own mind whether what I am going to take up will work or not, but invariably it always works, it is just that we are not fine tuned to take up risk in our lives and hence become 'Frog in the Well'.
I have no idea for how long will I stick to here, all depends how easy my friends find to read the blog, so friends are my customers, if they are satisfied I am happy else, I have to move again and find a place where, I can make my customers happy.
Something similar is happening to me in my profession life, I have been with this company for the past 6 years, can call myself a success, have grown from the bottom of the chain in the hierarchy to being a manager, but offlate I am getting this feeling that I am getting into my comfort zone and hence there is fear of moving (shall write later about my fears), and hence am not able to satisfy my own conscience (my customer) and the moment customer is not happy, your business goes down and hence to keep my stocks up, have decided to take the risk and move out of the comfort zone.
Sometimes those decision we think are difficult to take are the ones which are the most easiest.
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